Our #1 RECOMMENDED evacuation option for regrind removal for our Bi-Cutter screenless granulators. It works with all material types and it is highly recommended for soft materials (example: TPE/TPU’s) that tend to bridge in the collection bin.
Our evacuation system utilizes continuous airflow by means of a compact, low horsepower regenerative blower creating a quiet, economical, energy efficient system that eliminates regrind back up, and is capable of moving material up to 20 feet, including an 8’ incline. This is far more efficient than using compressed air.
Our custom electrical controls power up the blower prior to the granulator. This eliminates regrind buildup in the collection bin or the possibility of backing up into the Bi-Cutter cutting chamber.

Shown without filter

Our custom system includes a blower; air intake filter and cover; base; collection bin; and custom electrical controls. Evacuation hose is not included.
Product specifications and design is subject to change without notice.